except from “5 worst UX mistakes websites make”

#1. Paying too much attention to the Macro and short shrifiting the Micro

Small interactions often botch the entire experience.

#2. Putting too much time into designing your home page

Use your analytics to see where people are really entering your site and then make sure those pages are the best they can be.

#3. Relying too much on text

Use audio and/or video instead of just relying on text.

#4. Designing for the wrong generation 

Since you are in one generation, you can’t ever really understood how another generation thinks: that’s why you have to test. People who are even younger won’t think of a desktop or laptop as a primary technology. They think of smart phones and tablets.

#5. Ignoring Multi-Screen Behavior

source: http://uxmag.com/articles/the-five-worst-ux-mistakes-websites-make


After reading this article, I strongly feel that I need to modify my portfolio website. (#1 and #2 mistakes)

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